Monday, May 11, 2009

Passing parameters between browser windows

Imagine having two browser windows - "parent" and "child", "child" being opened from the "parent" using function. At some point you want to pass some parameters to the parent, and then close the child window. Easy:

var myData = null;

var returnValue = function(data) {
myData = data;

in parent, and

window.opener.returnValue("Hello, play with me dad");

in the child window. The returned value is assigned to the myData variable and can be used after the window is closed. This simple schema gets a bit complicated when we deal with object variables:

window.opener.returnValue({ name: "Jerry", surname: "Blueberry"});

Now, after the child window is closed, the interpreter behavior depends on the browser used. In Firefox (and probably any other "modern" browser) everything works smoothly. However, in IE 6.0 (not tested in other versions) the object reference is assigned to the myData variable, but the object itself is destroyed. This causes a runtime error with a message "the object invoked has disconnected from its clients" - the returned data has been lost.

The simplest way to deal with this issue is to use some form of serialization of the returned data, and the simplest way to serialize data is to use JSON representation. For example, using the Prototype library:

var myData = null;

var returnValue = function(data) {
myData = data.toJSON().evalJSON();

This is the simplest (even if not the fastest) way to make a deep clone of an object. By creating a deep copy of the returned object, we effectively disconnect the object from the originating window. Problem solved.

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